A time of encouragement

Periodically the SPES team has the opportunity to meet with Wewak area pastors and their wives for a time of fellowship. September 22 was the most recent meeting. Often these times are held at different churches, but this one was held here at the SIL regional center. With each one contributing a dish of food, the work load was easy for everyone. A mix of western and local foods were enjoyed with the finale being ice cream, a favorite for everyone.

We enjoyed listening to stories of what is going on in the Wewak area and hearing how God is opening doors for some of the pastors to work more with government and business leaders here. The ministers fraternal chair and vice chair were invited to a meeting with many government officials soon after the national day of prayer the end of August. The government officials seem to realize that many of the problems that the province is facing will not be fixed by more laws or stricter enforcement. It is only as God makes a difference in people’s lives that things will change. Please pray that God will give these men more opportunities to share about Christ throughout Wewak.

After a time of sharing burdens, we were able to pray for each other. Lifting our burdens to the One who can fix them is the best answer. We trust that these men and their wives were encouraged and ready to continue to meet the challenging demands of pastoring here in the Sepik.



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